n Scoped Component Slots in Vue.js | CodimTh

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Scoped slots allow you to pass properties from your child components into a scoped slot, and access them from the parent. Sort of like reverse property passing.

The first step to creating a scoped component slot is to pass properties into a default or named slot from your child component, like so:


    <p>Look, there's a slot below me!</p>
    <slot :text="defaultSlotText"></slot>
    <slot name="literally-the-best" :text="namedSlotText"></slot>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      defaultSlotText: "I'll get rendered inside the default slot.",
      namedSlotText: "I'll get rendered inside the *best* slot."


Then, to use those properties inside a parent component’s slot content, create a template element tied to the slot.

Add a scope attribute to the template element and set it to the name that you wish to access the scope properties from.

This essentially creates a local variable for anything inside that template, allowing you to access it as if it was in the parent’s scope.

(For example, scope=“myScope”, properties passed into the <slot> will be accessible as {{myScope.myProperty}} while scope=“yourScope” will be accessed as {{yourScope.myProperty}}.)

Note: The template element does not get added to the DOM. It’s simply a wrapper.


      <template scope="defaultSlotScope">
        <!-- Renders <p>I'll get rendered inside the default slot.</p> -->
      <template slot="literally-the-best" scope="bestSlotScope">
        <!-- Renders <p>I'll get rendered inside the *best* slot.</p> -->

import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';

export default {
  components: {


If you’re using Vue 2.5 or above, use the slot-scope attribute instead of scope. Also you can skip the template elements.


      <p slot-scope="defaultSlotScope">
        <!-- Renders <p>I'll get rendered inside the default slot.</p> -->
      <p slot="literally-the-best" slot-scope="bestSlotScope">
         <!-- Renders <p>I'll get rendered inside the *best* slot.</p> -->

import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';

export default {
  components: {

Riadh Rahmi

Senior Web Developer PHP/Drupal & Laravel

I am a senior web developer, I have experience in planning and developing large scale dynamic web solutions especially in Drupal & Laravel.

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