n How to use single file components in Vue.js | CodimTh

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Single File Components allow us to define the HTML/CSS and JS of a component all within a single .vue file.

A single-file component is composed of three parts:

  • The <template> section which contains the component’s markup in plain HTML.
  • The <script> section which contains all the JS logic within that component.
  • The <style> section which contains all the component styles.

Here’s an example of a single-file component given the name of HelloWorld:

  <div class="hello-world">
    <h2>{{ getGreeting }}</h2>
    <p>This is the Hello World component.</p>

export default {
  name: 'HelloWorld',
  data () {
    return {
      reversedGreeting: '!dlrow olleH'
  computed: {
    getGreeting() {
      return this.reversedGreeting

<style scoped>
.hello-world {
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  • The <template> of the HelloWorld component displays the value of the getGreeting computed property declared in the <script> section as well some static text.
  • The getGreeting computed property simply reverses the reversedGreeting data property to return “Hello World!”.
  • The <style> section of the component has the scoped attribute which dictates the styles declared in the component will be applied to this and only this component.


Though the structure of a single-file component may look different, everything we’ve discussed thus far with regards to instance/component properties remains the same. We’re able to use all the properties a Vue instance component contains like datamethodscomputed properties, lifecycle hooks, etc.

The main advantage to using single-file components is how we’re able to neatly define the markup, logic, and styles of a component all within a single file. By building our application in a module-based setting (e.g. with Webpack), we’re also able to take advantage of modules to break our application (and components!) to smaller discrete pieces.


Defining and Using Single-File Components

We can use single-file components easily with the Vue CLI. To do this, we just create a folder, go into it, and then run:

npx vue create .

and select the default options.

Then we should get a starter app with single-file components that we can change.

The single-file components have the .vue extension.

When we create an app with Vue CLI, we get App.vue and components/HelloWorld.vue .

They have the structure:


Riadh Rahmi

Senior Web Developer PHP/Drupal & Laravel

I am a senior web developer, I have experience in planning and developing large scale dynamic web solutions especially in Drupal & Laravel.

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