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Useful Drush commands in Drupal 8 & 9 



   cache:clear (cc)                               Clear a specific cache, or all Drupal caches.
   cache:get (cg)                                 Fetch a cached object and display it.
   cache:rebuild (cr, rebuild)                    Rebuild a Drupal 8 site.
   cache:set (cs)                                 Cache an object expressed in JSON or var_export() format.
   cache:tags (ct)                                Invalidate by cache tags.


   config:delete (cdel)                           Delete a configuration key, or a whole object.
   config:edit (cedit)                            Open a config file in a text editor. Edits are imported after closing editor.
   config:export (cex)                            Export Drupal configuration to a directory.
   config:get (cget)                              Display a config value, or a whole configuration object.
   config:import (cim)                            Import config from a config directory.
   config:pull (cpull)                            Export and transfer config from one environment to another.
   config:set (cset)                              Set config value directly. Does not perform a config import.
   config:status (cst)                            Display status of configuration (differences between the filesystem configuration and database configuration).



   core:cron (cron)                               Run all cron hooks in all active modules for specified site.
   core:edit (conf, config)                       Edit drushrc, site alias, and Drupal settings.php files.
   core:init (init)                               Enrich the bash startup file with bash aliases and a smart command prompt.
   core:requirements (status-report, rq)          Information about things that may be wrong in your Drupal installation.
   core:rsync (rsync)                             Rsync Drupal code or files to/from another server using ssh.
   core:status (status, st)                       An overview of the environment - Drush and Drupal.
   core:topic (topic)                             Read detailed documentation on a given topic.


   deploy:hook                                    Run pending deploy update hooks.
   deploy:hook-status                             Prints information about pending deploy update hooks.


   devel:event (fne, fn-event, event)             List implementations of a given event and optionally edit one.
   devel:hook (fnh, fn-hook, hook)                List implementations of a given hook and optionally edit one.
   devel:reinstall (dre)                          Uninstall, and Install modules.
   devel:services (devel-container-services, dcs) Get a list of available container services.
   devel:token (token)                            List available tokens.
   devel:uuid (uuid)                              Generate a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).


   devel-generate:content (genc)                  Create content.
   devel-generate:media (genmd)                   Create media items.
   devel-generate:menus (genm)                    Create menus.
   devel-generate:terms (gent)                    Create terms in specified vocabulary.
   devel-generate:users (genu)                    Create users.
   devel-generate:vocabs (genv)                   Create vocabularies.


   entity:delete (edel)                           Delete content entities.
   entity:updates (entup)                         Apply pending entity schema updates.


   image:derive (id)                              Create an image derivative.
   image:flush (if)                               Flush all derived images for a given style.


   locale:check                                   Checks for available translation updates.
   locale:export                                  Exports to a gettext translation file.
   locale:import                                  Imports to a gettext translation file.
   locale:update                                  Imports the available translation updates.


   php:cli (php, core:cli, core-cli)              Open an interactive shell on a Drupal site.
   php:eval (eval, ev)                            Evaluate arbitrary php code after bootstrapping Drupal (if available).
   php:script (scr)                               Run php a script after a full Drupal bootstrap.


   pm:enable (en)                                 Enable one or more modules.
   pm:list (pml)                                  Show a list of available extensions (modules and themes).
   pm:security (sec)                              Check Drupal Composer packages for pending security updates.
   pm:security-php (sec-php)                      Check non-Drupal PHP packages for pending security updates.
   pm:uninstall (pmu)                             Uninstall one or more modules and their dependent modules.


   queue:delete                                   Delete all items in a specific queue.
   queue:list                                     Returns a list of all defined queues.
   queue:run                                      Run a specific queue by name.


   role:create (rcrt)                             Create a new role.
   role:delete (rdel)                             Delete a new role.
   role:list (rls)                                Display a list of all roles defined on the system.
   role:perm:add (rap, role-add-perm)             Grant specified permission(s) to a role.
   role:perm:remove (rmp, role-remove-perm)       Remove specified permission(s) from a role.


   site:alias (sa)                                Show site alias details, or a list of available site aliases.
   site:alias-convert (sa-convert, sac)           Convert legacy site alias files to the new yml format.
   site:install (si, sin)                         Install Drupal along with modules/themes/configuration/profile.
   site:set (use)                                 Set a site alias that will persist for the current session.
   site:ssh (ssh)                                 Connect to a Drupal site's server via SSH, and optionally run a shell command.


   sql:cli (sqlc)                                 Open a SQL command-line interface using Drupal's credentials.
   sql:connect                                    A string for connecting to the DB.
   sql:create                                     Create a database.
   sql:drop                                       Drop all tables in a given database.
   sql:dump                                       Exports the Drupal DB as SQL using mysqldump or equivalent.
   sql:query (sqlq)                               Execute a query against a database.
   sql:sanitize (sqlsan)                          Sanitize the database by removing or obfuscating user data.
   sql:sync                                       Copy DB data from a source site to a target site. Transfers data via rsync.


   state:delete (sdel)                            Delete a state entry.
   state:get (sget)                               Display a state value.
   state:set (sset)                               Set a state value.


   theme:enable (then)                            Enable one or more themes.
   theme:uninstall (thun)                         Uninstall theme.


   twig:compile (twigc)                           Compile all Twig template(s).
   twig:unused                                    Find potentially unused Twig templates.


   user:block (ublk)                              Block the specified user(s).
   user:cancel (ucan)                             Cancel user account(s) with the specified name(s).
   user:create (ucrt)                             Create a user account.
   user:information (uinf)                        Print information about the specified user(s).
   user:login (uli)                               Display a one time login link for user ID 1, or another user.
   user:password (upwd)                           Set the password for the user account with the specified name.
   user:role:add (urol, user-add-role)            Add a role to the specified user accounts.
   user:role:remove (urrol, user-remove-role)     Remove a role from the specified user accounts.
   user:unblock (uublk)                           UnBlock the specified user(s).


   views:analyze (va)                             Get a list of all Views and analyze warnings.
   views:dev (vd)                                 Set several Views settings to more developer-oriented values.
   views:disable (vdis)                           Disable the specified views.
   views:enable (ven)                             Enable the specified views.
   views:execute (vex)                            Execute a view and show a count of the results, or the rendered HTML.
   views:list (vl)                                Get a list of all views in the system.


   watchdog:delete (wd-del, wd-delete, wd)        Delete watchdog log records.
   watchdog:list (wd-list)                        Interactively filter the watchdog message listing.
   watchdog:show (wd-show, ws)                    Show watchdog messages.
   watchdog:show-one (wd-one)                     Show one log record by ID.

Riadh Rahmi

Senior Web Developer PHP/Drupal & Laravel

I am a senior web developer, I have experience in planning and developing large scale dynamic web solutions especially in Drupal & Laravel.

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