Useful Drupal console commands in Drupal 8 & 9
about Display basic information about Drupal Console project |
chain Chain command execution |
check System requirement checker |
composerize Converts Drupal codebase to composer. |
exec Execute an external command. |
help Displays help for a command |
init Copy configuration files. |
list Lists all available commands |
shell Open a shell providing an interactive REPL (Read–Eval–Print-Loop). |
server Runs PHP built-in web server |
snippet Runs PHP code |
cache:rebuild Rebuild and clear all site caches. |
cache:tag:invalidate Invalidate cache tags. |
config:delete Delete configuration |
config:diff Output configuration items that are different in active configuration compared with a directory. |
config:edit Edit the selected configuration. |
config:export Export current application configuration. |
config:export:content:type Export a specific content type and their fields. |
config:export:entity Export a specific config entity and their fields. |
config:export:single Export a single configuration or a list of configurations as yml file(s). |
config:export:view Export a view in YAML format inside a provided module to reuse in other website. |
config:import Import configuration to current application. |
config:import:single Import a single configurations or a list of configurations. |
config:override Override config value in active configuration. |
config:validate Validate a drupal config against its schema |
create:comments Create dummy comments for your Drupal 8 application. |
create:nodes Create dummy nodes for your Drupal 8 application. |
create:roles Create dummy roles for your Drupal 8 application. |
create:terms Create dummy terms for your Drupal 8 application. |
create:users Create dummy users for your Drupal 8 application. |
create:vocabularies Create dummy vocabularies for your Drupal 8 application. |
cron:execute Execute cron implementations by module or execute all crons |
cron:release Release cron system lock to run cron again |
database:add Add a database to settings.php |
database:client Launch a DB client if it's available |
database:connect Shows DB connection |
database:drop Drop all tables in a given database. |
database:dump Dump structure and contents of a database |
database:log:clear Remove events from DBLog table, filters are available |
database:log:poll Poll the watchdog and print new log entries every x seconds |
database:query Executes a SQL statement directly as argument |
database:restore Restore structure and contents of a database. |
debug:breakpoints Displays breakpoints available in application |
debug:cache:context Displays current cache context for the application. |
debug:chain List available chain files. |
debug:config List configuration objects names and single configuration object. |
debug:config:settings Displays current key:value on settings file. |
debug:config:validate Validate a schema implementation before a module is installed. |
debug:container Displays current services for an application. |
debug:cron List of modules implementing a cron |
debug:database:log Displays current log events for the application |
debug:database:table Show all tables in a given database. |
debug:dotenv Debug Dotenv debug values. |
debug:entity Debug entities available in the system |
debug:event Displays current events |
debug:features List registered features. |
debug:hook commands.debug.hook.description |
debug:image:styles List image styles on the site |
debug:libraries Displays libraries available in application |
debug:migrate Display current migration available for the application |
debug:module Displays current modules available for application |
debug:multisite List all multi-sites available in system |
debug:permission Displays all user permissions. |
debug:plugin Displays all plugin types. |
debug:queue Displays the queues of your application |
debug:rest Display current rest resource for the application |
debug:roles Displays current roles for the application |
debug:router Displays current routes for the application or information for a particular route |
debug:settings List user Drupal Console settings. |
debug:site List all known local and remote sites. |
debug:state Show the current State keys. |
debug:theme Displays current themes for the application |
debug:theme:keys Displays all theme keys provided by hook_theme functions |
debug:update Displays current updates available for the application |
debug:update:composer Displays current updates available from the composer file |
debug:user Displays current users for the application |
debug:views Displays current views resources for the application |
debug:views:plugins Displays current views plugins for the application |
devel:dumper commands.devel.dumper.messages.change-devel-dumper-plugin |
docker:init Create a docker-compose.yml file |
dotenv:init Add support and required config to work with an .env file |
entity:delete Delete an specific entity |
features:import Import module config. |
field:info View information about fields. |
generate:ajax:command Generate & Register a custom ajax command |
generate:authentication:provider Generate an Authentication Provider |
generate:breakpoint Generate breakpoint |
generate:cache:context Generate a cache context |
generate:command Generate commands for the console. |
generate:composer Generate a composer.json file |
generate:controller Generate & Register a controller |
generate:entity:bundle Generate a new content type (node / entity bundle) |
generate:entity:config Generate a new config entity |
generate:entity:content Generate a new content entity |
generate:event:subscriber Generate an event subscriber |
generate:form Generate a new "FormBase" |
generate:form:alter Generate an implementation of hook_form_alter() or hook_form_FORM_ID_alter |
generate:form:config Generate a new "ConfigFormBase" |
generate:help Generate an implementation of hook_help() |
generate:jstest Generate a JavaScript test. |
generate:module Generate a module. |
generate:module:file Generate a .module file |
generate:permissions Generate module permissions |
generate:plugin:block Generate a plugin block |
generate:plugin:ckeditorbutton Generate CKEditor button plugin. |
generate:plugin:condition Generate a plugin condition. |
generate:plugin:field Generate field type, widget and formatter plugins. |
generate:plugin:fieldformatter Generate field formatter plugin. |
generate:plugin:fieldtype Generate field type plugin. |
generate:plugin:fieldwidget Generate field widget plugin. |
generate:plugin:imageeffect Generate image effect plugin. |
generate:plugin:imageformatter Generate image formatter plugin. |
generate:plugin:mail Generate a plugin mail |
generate:plugin:migrate:dataparser Generate a migrate data parser |
generate:plugin:migrate:process Generate a migrate process plugin |
generate:plugin:migrate:source Generate a migrate source plugin |
generate:plugin:queue Drupal Console Queueworker generator. |
generate:plugin:rest:resource Generate plugin rest resource |
generate:plugin:rules:action Generate a plugin rule action |
generate:plugin:rules:dataprocessor Generate a plugin rule dataprocessor |
generate:plugin:skeleton Generate an implementation of a skeleton plugin |
generate:plugin:type:annotation Generate a plugin type with annotation discovery |
generate:plugin:type:yaml Generate a plugin type with Yaml discovery |
generate:plugin:validationconstraint Generate a validation constraint plugin. |
generate:plugin:views:field Generate a custom plugin view field. |
generate:post:update Generate an implementation of hook_post_update_NAME() |
generate:profile Generate a profile. |
generate:routesubscriber Generate a RouteSubscriber |
generate:service Generate service |
generate:site:alias Generates a site alias. |
generate:theme Generate a theme. |
generate:twig:extension Generate a Twig extension. |
generate:update Generate an implementation of hook_update_N() |
image:styles:flush Execute flush function by image style or execute all flush images styles |
locale:language:add Add a language to be supported by your site |
locale:language:delete Delete a language to be supported by your site |
locale:translation:status List available translation updates |
migrate:execute Execute a migration available for application |
migrate:rollback Rollback one or multiple migrations |
migrate:setup Load and create the relevant migrations for a provided legacy database |
module:dependency:install Install dependencies module in the application |
module:download Download module or modules in application |
module:install Install module or modules in the application |
module:path Returns the relative path to the module (or absolute path) |
module:uninstall Uninstall module or modules in the application |
module:update Update core, module or modules in the application |
multisite:new Sets up the files for a new multisite install. |
multisite:update Update the files for a multisite installed. |
node:access:rebuild Rebuild node access permissions. |
queue:run Process the selected queue. |
quick:start Download, install and serve a new Drupal project |
rest:disable Disable a rest resource for the application |
rest:enable Enable a rest resource for the application |
role:delete Delete roles for the application |
role:new Create roles for the application |
router:rebuild Rebuild routes for the application |
settings:set Change a specific setting value in DrupalConsole config file |
site:import:local Import/Configure an existing local Drupal project |
site:install Install a Drupal project |
site:maintenance Switch site into maintenance mode |
site:mode Switch system performance configuration |
site:new Download a new Drupal project |
site:statistics Show the current statistics of website. |
site:status View current Drupal Installation status |
state:delete Delete State |
state:override Override a State key. |
taxonomy:term:delete Delete taxonomy terms from a vocabulary |
theme:download Download theme in application |
theme:install Install theme or themes in the application |
theme:path Returns the relative path to the theme (or absolute path) |
theme:uninstall Uninstall theme or themes in the application |
update:entities Applying Entity Updates |
update:execute Execute a specific Update N function in a module, or execute all |
user:create Create users for the application |
user:delete Delete users for the application |
user:login:clear:attempts Clear failed login attempts for an account. |
user:login:url Returns a one-time user login url. |
user:password:hash Generate a hash from a plaintext password. |
user:password:reset Reset password for a specific user. |
user:role Adds/removes a role for a given user |
user:unblock Unblock a specific user. |
views:disable Disable a View |
views:enable Enable a View |