If you want to store redirects in database use the module Redirect. This module provides a user interface to add redirects. The redirects are stored in a content entity, which you can also create programmatically:
use Drupal\redirect\Entity\Redirect;
'redirect_source' => 'redirects/redirect1',
'redirect_redirect' => 'internal:/node/1',
'language' => 'und',
'status_code' => '301',
You can do this at the time you create nodes from imported data or in entity hooks when inserting, updating or deleting nodes.
Redirection nodes programmatically in Drupal 8 & 9
* run cron
function MODULE_cron(){
$nids = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
->condition('type', 'article', '=')
->condition('status', 1)
foreach ($nids as $nid) {
$alias = \Drupal::service('path.alias_manager')->getAliasByPath('/node/'.$nid);
$aliasOriginal = str_replace("/blog","blog",$alias);
$aliasOriginal = str_replace("/web/drupal","",$aliasOriginal);
'redirect_source' => $aliasOriginal,
'redirect_redirect' => "internal:/node/".$nid,
'status_code' => 301,
Redirection Terms programmatically in Drupal 8 & 9
* run cron
function MODULE_cron(){
$tids = \Drupal::entityQuery('taxonomy_term')
->condition('vid', 'tags', '=')
foreach ($tids as $tid) {
$alias = \Drupal::service('path.alias_manager')->getAliasByPath('/taxonomy/term/'.$tid);
$aliasOriginal = str_replace("tags","",$alias);
$aliasOriginal = str_replace("/","",$aliasOriginal);
'redirect_source' => $aliasOriginal,
'redirect_redirect' => "internal:/taxonomy/term/".$tid,
'status_code' => 301,
More information about module Redirect:
Provides the ability to create manual redirects and maintain a canonical URL for all content, redirecting all other requests to that path.
- Common API for loading, saving, and deleting redirects.
- Case-insensitive redirect matching with a hook to allow other modules to narrow-down the candidate redirects.
- Redirect counter and last used timestamp, with automatic cleanup of inactive redirects. (Provided by Redirect Metrics in D8)
- Integration with Drupal's page cache to optimize redirects and performance.
- Complete individual redirect access API.
- Views API integration.
- D8: Maintaining a canonical path and redirecting alternative URL's like non-aliased path, path without language prefixes and so on (Previously provided by Global redirect)
- D8: Separate Redirect 404 module that logs aggregated 404 request (can suppress them in the default log) and allows to create redirects from them
- D8: Separate Redirect Domain module allows wildcard and domain redirects